Representatives from BIA (and historically from BIS and AMM) have sat on various external committees and bodies. Sometimes these representatives are members of Council, but often are from the wider membership. It is important that representatives feel supported by the organisation, get recognition for their work, and have clear communication channels with Council, and if necessary with the wider membership.
BIA Representation on External Committees

British Thoracic Society MDRTB steering group as the BIA representative
Sayee Papineni

BTS Joint Tuberculosis Committee Meeting
Dr Fiona McGill

CESR Lead for SAC in ID
Dr Harriet Hughes

HIV Taks and Finish group
Dr Patrick Lillie

Dr David Partridge

NHS England Expert Working Group
Dr David Partridge

NHSE Infectious Diseases Clinical Reference Group
Dr David Partridge and Dr Patrick Lille

PVL Working Group
Dr Anna Goodman

Pathology Alliance
Dr David Partridge

RCP Health Informatics Unit
Dr Ewan Hunter

RCP London Workforce Meetings
Dr Anna Goodman

Royal College of Pathologists Medical Microbiology SAC
Dr Natasha Ratnaraja

Joint Specialty Royal Colleges SAC
Dr Harriet Hughes and Dr David Partridge

UEMS Medical Microbiology section
Dr Albert Mifsud

UEMS Infectious Diseases section
Professor Steve Green and Sylviane Defres

Virology Working Group
Dr Samuel Moses

Chair of ACCEA BIA committee
Prof David Dockrell – changing to ACCIA committee and Prof Alison Holmes

Covid-19 Therapeutics Advice and Support Group
Dr Anna Goodman, Prof Martin LlewelynÂ
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